Hello River Valley,

If you know a teacher, parent or guardian and that special person with an intellectual disability share with them that there will be an opportunity to gather together at Hope Association (85 Lincoln Ave. Rumford) on Wednesday, January 23rd. (date will be rescheduled if schools are cancelled) With the state continuing to cut services for many young adults (ages 14 -21) we need to plan for the future. At this meeting there will be disability rights and Autism presentations. Katrina Ringrose of the Disability Rights Center (DRC) and Office of Advocacy will be having that presentation at 3:00pm after a meet and greet (w/ light refreshments) at 2:30pm.  The DRC is Maine’s protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities.  DRC provides individuals with information about their rights and service systems. For more information about this meeting call 364-4561 or www.hopeassociation.org.

49 Franklin will have their “Kaleidoscope” event on Friday, January 11th featuring visual artists and performers including Noel Palmer. There will be no cover charge!! On Saturday, January 12th the, “Teacher’s Lounge Mafia” will present an evening of comedy Improv ($7) at 49 Franklin. Both of these events will take place in 49 Franklin’s Mystic Theater.

It was great to read about one-time Mexico Town Manager Joe Derouche’s progress in last week’s Rumford Falls Times. I haven’t seen or talked to Joe in a long time. Continued improvement and good luck Joe and Cathy!!

If you would like more information on any of the Chamber’s events, please call the office at 364-3241 or email info@rivervalleychamber.com checkout our website www.rivervalleychamber.com

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